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Movie Night: THE REPORT | November 8, 2019


More event photos can be found on the AGS Facebook page.

AGS and the Triangle Center on Terrorism and Homeland Security had a pre-screening of The Report starring Adam Driver, Annette Bening and Jon Hamm. Based on a true story, the film follows Senate staffer Daniel J. Jones (Adam Driver) as he leads an investigation into the CIA’s post 9/11 Detention and Interrogation Program and uncovers shocking interrogation techniques.

A panel followed with professors Tim Nichols, a former Marine intelligence officer, David Schanzer, director of the Triangle Center on Terrorism & Homeland Security, and Robin Kirk, faculty co-chair of the Duke Human Rights Center.

The panel discussion touched on the the differences between interrogation and torture, the legitimate uses of interrogation to get information, the history of torture in America, and North Carolina’s connection to the film’s events via the use of a municipal airport to transport CIA operatives at tax payer expense.