Avichai Mandelblit

139 Social Sciences Building 419 Chapel Drive, Durham, United States

AGS presents A Conversation with Avichai Mandelblit, the former Attorney General of Israel, as part of our Focus on Israel Series. This event will take…


Mara Karlin

Sanford 04 201 Science Drive, Durham, NC, United States

The Duke Program in American Grand Strategy invites you to join us for A Conversation with Dr. Mara E. Karlin, the former Assistant Secretary of Defense…


Dan Blumenthal

Gross Hall 103 140 Science Drive, Durham, NC, United States

The Triangle Institute for Security Studies (TISS) will welcome Dan Blumenthal, Senior Fellow at the American Enterprise Institute, for a talk entitled, U.S. - China…


Tanvi Madan

Rhodes Conference Room (Sanford 223) 201 Science Drive, Durham, NC, United States

AGS will welcome Tanvi Madan, Senior Fellow - Foreign Policy, Center for Asia Policy Studies, Brookings Institution, for a conversation entitled U.S. - India Relations…


Tamara Cofman Wittes

Sanford 04 201 Science Drive, Durham, NC, United States

The Rudnick lecture at the Duke Center for Jewish Studies is pleased to welcome Tamara Cofman Wittes, President of the National Democratic Institute, for a…
